Several events were held in 2013-2015 as part of the first phase of the project. The Healthy Places Class and a Joint Masters in Urban Planning and Masters in Public Health continue the work.
Harvard Extension School Courses
In the spring and fall of 2014 several courses dealing with energy technologies, policies and environmental consequences are offered through Harvard Extension School. View some of the offered courses here.
Healthy Future Cities: Scoping Conference
The 2015 Healthy Future Cities: Scoping Conference convened 40 attendees in public health and planning, members of the foundation community, and nonprofit leaders in the areas of health and sustainability. We collaborated, exchanged ideas and knowledge to frame how the topic of healthy places is dealt with in research and practice and move toward creating new collaborations around healthy places. See what we accomplished.
Webinar Series
In March 2015, HAPI hosted a five-part webinar series featuring research conducted by experts from the Harvard Graduate School of Design (HGSD) and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (HSPH) on the connections between health and well-being and cities. Watch and learn.