
Health Assessment Tools

Health Assessment Tools


Health Assessments are a way to evaluate past planning outcomes or new planning and design proposals. Led by Professor Ann Forsyth and drawing on the research in other parts of the project, these are now available online.

Each tool and their accompanying How to Guide are designed to be used for different stages of the health assessment process, and to be fairly quick to use. Click here to watch a webinar recording about the HAPI health assessment tools.

  • Tool 1. Screening Survey of Health in Place (SSHIP) is the first step of a health assessment.  It is an initial screening and scoping checklist to assess whether health impacts are likely to be large enough to warrant further analysis.

Tool 1: Screening Survey of Health in Place (SSHIP) [Interactive PDF] This PDF has fillable forms. If your browser does not support the form function, select the "Open With Different Viewer" (top right) to save the file to your desktop. 

How to Guide: Screening Survey of Health in Place (SSHIP) [PDF]

  • Tool 2. Health Opportunity Checklist (HOC) caters to different stages of the planning and design process. This is a detailed checklist for reviewing draft plans and proposals as well as existing neighborhoods. HOC covers various aspects of the built environment that relates to health.

Tool 2: Health Opportunity Checklist (HOC) [Interactive PDF] This PDF has fillable forms. If your browser does not support the form function, select the "Open With Different Viewer" (top right) to save the file to your desktop.

Tool 2: Health Opportunity Checklist (HOC) [XLS] Please note, this file is best viewed in "Normal" layout in Excel.  Formatting may vary based on computer and/or version of Excel used to view the workbook.  

How to Guide: Health Opportunity Checklist (HOC) [PDF]

  • Tool 3. HAPI Health Assessment Workshop is a community exercise, involving relevant stakeholders, where health impacts beyond those found in SSHIP or HOC may be identified. This tool is more involved than SSHIP or HOC, which can essentially be done by an individual with relevant information.

Tool 3: HAPI Health Assessment Workshop [PDF]

How To Guide: HAPI Health Assessment Workshop [PDF]

The table below provides a summary of the three health assessment tools the HAPI team developed.

HIA Tools Summary

Click here to view additional health assessment tools and resources.