Collective Housing

Collective Housing is an ongoing research project that classifies and examines variables around multifamily housing in order to evaluate and recommend changes to the supply, type, and spatial distribution of both multifamily housing and supportive civic amenities such as transit. The work is led by Elizabeth Christoforetti (Assistant Professor in Practice of Architecture) and Carole Turley Voulgaris (Assistant Professor of Urban Planning) at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. Researchers Romy El Sayah and Adam Maserow support the project.

Collective Housing is part of the Future of Living project, a body of research that looks holistically at our value systems and capacities as designers and planners to create processes and technologies that are culturally- and socially-informed.

Key Questions for Collective Housing:

How do we measure and quantify the urban quality of a place?

How can we recommend housing locations and types based upon feasibility, access, and block-level indicators of social equity and urban quality?

How can such knowledge factor into the design of housing, public realm, and transit projects?

Geospatial processes and emerging methods for generating urban-scale artificial intelligence enhance a critical approach to design at the building scale.

Core PrincipLE of the Future of Living Project