2018 Summer Research Awards for Risk and Resilience Students

2018 Summer Research Awards for Risk and Resilience Students

Gloria Chang (MDes R&R/MArch II 2019), Dení López, (MDes R&R/MAUD 2019), Susanna Pho (MDes R&R 2019), and Isaac Stein (MDes R&R/MLA II 2020) received several awards to conduct research over the summer. We hereby give you a breakdown of their work and...
A January in the Sahel…

A January in the Sahel…

December 19, 2017 By Charles Newman (MDes R&R 2018) Over the course of my 3 semesters at the GSD in the Risk and Resilience program I have pursued my growing interest in understanding the motivations and the inherent risks presented by the design and construction...
Retreat | Rebuild Colloquium, Student Perspectives

Retreat | Rebuild Colloquium, Student Perspectives

April 30, 2017 By Justin Henceroth and Ashley C. Thompson (MDes R&R 2017) The future of humanitarian aid should focus on finding ways to better integrate with local contexts, including the land, politics, and cultures of at-risk and affected communities. That is...
Women’s March on Washington (By WiD)

Women’s March on Washington (By WiD)

By Women in Design I Press Release On January 21, 2017, GSD students joined the Women’s March on Washington in D.C. This trip was organized and led by the co-chairs of the Women in Design (WiD) student organization; Ashley Thompson (MDes R&R 2017), Adria...
Mexico, its People, and the War on Drugs

Mexico, its People, and the War on Drugs

January 25, 2017 By Dení López (MDes R&R/MAUD 2019) When seating in a very nice classroom in the south of Mexico City listening to the socio-political conflict that came with Felipe Calderon’s decision to fight organized crime, it was hard to envision the actual...