Case Study Writers

Walk21VIE_Discusssion-Close-up-large-2-zerschnitten.jpgRalph Buehler

Associate Professor in Urban Affairs and Planning, Virginia Tech

Co-author for: Vienna

Ralph Buehler, PhD, is Associate Professor in Urban Affairs & Planning and a Faculty Fellow with the Metropolitan Institute at Virginia Tech’s Alexandria Center. Most of his research has an international comparative perspective, contrasting transport and land-use policies, transport systems, and travel behavior in Western Europe and North America. His research interests include: the influence of transport policy, land use, socio-demographics on travel behavior; active travel and public health; and public transport demand, supply, regional coordination, and financial efficiency.

Walk21VIE_Discusssion-Close-up-large-2-zerschnitten.jpgOnesimo Flores Dewey

VP of Business Development, Grupo Prodi

Author for: Mexico City, Seoul

Co-author for: San Francisco

Onesimo Flores Dewey is VP of Business Development at Grupo Prodi, a private developer and operator of multimodal transit stations. Grupo Prodi manages close to 800,000 bus to subway transfers every day in Mexico City. Onesimo holds a law degree from Universidad Iberoamericana, a Master in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School and a PhD in Urban Planning from MIT. While at Harvard, Onesimo taught a course on Transportation Planning and Development. Onesimo has also been a Visiting Scholar at MIT’s Center for Advanced Urbanism, where he taught a course on Transit Oriented Development in Mexico City. He has consulted for the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and INFONAVIT, and runs Ciudad Posible, a blog (in Spanish) hosted at Animal Politico.

21-Capture_d_Aoy_cran_2012_10_11_yy_10.56.50.pngPatrick Le Galès

CNRS Research Professor of Sociology and Politics, Sciences Po Paris

Co-author for: Paris

Patrick Le Galès, is CNRS Research Professor of Sociology and Politics, at Sciences Po Paris, Centre d’études européennes and he chairs the “Cities are back in town” and “restructuring the state” research groups. He is a corresponding Fellow of the British Academy, a former editor of the International Journal of Urban and regional Research, a past president of SASE (Society for Advanced Socio economics), a trustee of theFoundation for Urban and Regional Research. He was educated at Sciences Po Paris, Nuffield College Oxford (M.litt.) and the University of Paris X Nanterre. He was a visiting professor or researcher in particular at UCLA, King’s College London, Nuffield College University of Oxford,, the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Society in Cologne, the Universities of Milan Bicocca, Venise and the University of Sao Paolo (spring 2014).

halpern_0.jpgCharlotte Halpern

Associate Research Professor, Sciences Po Paris

Co-author for: Paris

Dr. Charlotte Halpern holds a PhD in political science and is an Associate Research Professor at the Centre d’Etudes Européennes de Sciences Po in Paris.  Her main research interest is state restructuring and policy change in Europe. She has done extensive research on transport and environmental policies across the EU. As part of the CREATE project (Congestion reduction in Europe, EU funded, Horizon 2020), she is leading on the qualitative analysis of historical transport policy developments in 5 large European capital-cities. She teaches comparative public policies and is the Scientific Director of the Sciences Po Urban and Regional Management Master Programme, a dual degree urban policy program between LSE-Sciences Po. She is a member of the Sciences Po Research Programme Cities are back in Town and co-editor of its working paper series.

David_luberoff.jpgDavid Luberoff

Deputy Director of the Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University

Author for: New York City, Los Angeles

David Luberoff is Deputy Director of Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies. He also is a Lecturer on Sociology at Harvard.  He has been Senior Project Advisor to the Boston Area Research Initiative at Harvard’s Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study; a Visiting Professor of Practice at Northeastern University’s School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs; Executive Director of Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS); and Associate Director of HKS’s Taubman Center for State and Local Government. He is the co-author (with Alan Altshuler) of Mega-Projects: The Changing Politics of Urban Public Investment, which was published by the Brooking Institution Press in 2003.  He also was Governing magazine’s columnist on infrastructure from 1995 to 2001 and was the author of several HKS teaching cases on transportation. He received an MPA from the Kennedy School of Government and a BA from Wesleyan University.

brodtaxi.jpgAmy Rader Olsson

Program Manager, SIO Smart Built Environment

Co-author for: Stockholm

Amy Rader Olsson is a researcher in planning institutions for sustainable development and theme leader for policy and institutions at the KTH  (Royal Institute of Technology) Transport Platform in Stockholm. Dr. Amy Rader Olsson has over twenty years of academic and professional experience in planning issues related to cooperation between public and private actors, local, national and international authorities, and urban and rural settings. She has worked with infrastructure and planning issues related to housing, energy, transportation and social welfare, including several international commissions. Her current research focuses on institutions for cooperation and partnership in infrastructure planning and regional innovation systems. Dr. Olsson has supported KTH’s strategic partnership with the City of Stockholm and serves on the Architecture Advisory Board for the Swedish National Transportation Administration, Trafikverket and the Energy Development Board for the Swedish Energy Agency.

8533921.jpgJohn Pucher

Professor Emeritus at the Bloustein School, Rutgers University

Co-author for: Vienna

John Pucher is Professor Emeritus at Rutger University’s Bloustein School. He was a professor at Rutgers University from 1978 to 2014, conducting research on urban transportation in the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe. Over the past 15 years, John’s research has focused on walking and bicycling, and how to improve their safety and convenience for all age groups, for women as well as men, and for all levels of physical ability. John has published three books and over 100 articles in academic and professional journals. His most recent book is entitled “City Cycling,” published by MIT Press in 2012.

ZBIjutIf.jpegLisa Rayle

PhD Student in City and Regional Planning, UC Berkeley

Co-author for: San Francisco

Lisa Rayle is a PhD student in City and Regional Planning at UC Berkeley. She graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with joint Master’s degrees in City Planning and Transportation. While at MIT, through partnerships with universities in Portugal, she conducted research on metropolitan governance issues and on urban form in Portuguese cities. She has recently worked with the EMBARQ Center for Sustainable Transport in Mumbai, India, where she studied the impact of India’s urban travel trends on carbon emissions. Lisa is interested in how urban infrastructure and transportation networks influence socio-spatial patterns, informality in transportation, urban development, and has worked on research and planning projects in many cities around the world.