Handouts & Publications

VREF Research Brief : Strategies for Constructive Change

May 2015

This 2-page research brief discusses strategies for constructive change through TUT-POL’s findings. The brief highlights examples from case study cities: Mexico City, Seoul, and Stockholm. Key messages from the brief include: To reduce traffic congestion, curb auto dependence, and improve transit alternatives, cities must challenge the status quo by introducing innovations in hardware, software, and financing; Such priorities tend to be highly controversial, requiring strong political leaders serving as champions for change; and Successful political leadership involves framing and pacing reform efforts, broadening coalitions of support, and creatively managing opposition.

VREF Research Brief PDF

Transforming Urban Transport: Political Strategies and Tactics (Synthesis Report)

July 2018

This 30-page report synthesizes research findings from the TUT-POL project. It presents common political strategies and tactics used to advance transport priorities across our cases, a case-by-case overview of how these were used to ensure the successful implementation of path-breaking transportation policies, and concluding remarks about the relationship between policy success and transformative change.


2-Page TUT-POL Project Summary

June 2017

This 2-page handout summaries the project, the 8 case studies and what they are investigating, political strategies, tactics, actionable lessons, and lists the project and author team.


TUT-POL 8 Case Studies

Los Angeles

Passage of “Measure R,” a ballot measure imposing a half-cent sales tax increase for transportation in 2008, with approval from more than 2/3 of LA County voters.

2-Page LA Brief
Full LA Case
Mexico City

Replacement of independent bus and jitney system with Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) network on key roadways between 2005-2014.

2-Page Mexico City Brief
Full Mexico City Case
New York City

Remaking of streets and sidewalks as mixed-use urban public spaces for greater use by pedestrians and cyclists since 2007.

2-Page NYC Brief
Full NYC Case

Urban transport improvements (i.e. metro urban tramway, Vélib’, bikeway network) emanating from the city proper through the region since 2001.

2-Page Paris Brief
Full Paris Case
San Francisco

Transformation of regulatory structures to legalize and enable expansion of Uber and other ridesourcing services starting in 2013.

2-Page SF Brief
Full San Francisco Case

A 2003 downtown expressway demolition followed by bus system overhaul, multi-modal transport system integration, and urban regeneration.

2-Page Seoul Brief
Full Seoul Case

Adoption of congestion pricing on results of a voter referendum following a full-scale trial in 2007.

2-Page Stockholm Brief
Full Stockholm Case

Transformational mode share shifts through reinforcement of complementary measures including public transit improvements and parking and traffic management since the 1990s.

2-Page Vienna Brief
Full Vienna Case

Transforming Urban Transport Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Political Leadership

October 2019

This 80-page report synthesizes research findings from the TUT-POL Sub-Saharan Africa Project. It presents political strategies and tactics used in Sub-Saharan Africa’s major cities to advance transport priorities, a case-by-case and case note overview of how these were used to ensure the successful implementation of path-breaking transportation policies, and a comparative analysis of our three focused cases.

TUT-POL Sub-Saharan Africa PDF

Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) 3 Case Studies

Accra, Ghana

Launch of the Ghana Urban Transport Project that sought to address institutional, management, and regulatory issues to improve mass transit services, with acute attention to Bus Rapid Transit.

Full Accra, Ghana Case
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Initiation of the Dar Rapid Transit Agency to provide quality, accessible, and affordable mass transport system in order to enable poverty reduction, improve standard of living, and lead to sustainable economic growth for the residents of Dar es Salaam.

Kigali, Rwanda

Introduction of regulatory limitations on minibuses to encourage larger-capacity bus fleets, of monopoly concessions for procuring service providers, and of a Transportation Master Plan to increase schedule bus routes and explore Bus Rapid Transit.


Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) 7 Case Notes

Dakar, Senegal
Dakar, Senegal Casenote
Kampala, Uganda
Kampala, Uganda Casenote
Lagos, Nigeria
Lagos, Nigeria Casenote
Luanda, Angola
Luanda, Angola Casenote
Maputo, Mozambique
Maputo, Mozambique Casenote
Nairobi, Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya Casenote
Windhoek, Namibia
Windhoek, Namibia Casenote