Mobility Technologies and the Future of Streets

On March 19th, TUT-POL co-sponsored the debate, “Will Shared, Electric and Automated Vehicles Deteriorate or Ameliorate Pedestrian Qualities of Streets?”

The event was part of the debate series, “The Cities and Technology,” which  invites speakers at the nexus of city design and technology to discuss products, tools and technologies that are impacting cities.

Panelists for this event include: Seleta Reynolds, General Manager, Los Angeles Department of Transportation and President, National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), Robin Chase, Co-founder and former CEO, Zipcar and Founder and former CEO of Buzzcar, and Diane Davis, Charles Dyer Norton Professor of Regional Planning and Urbanism and Chair of the Department of Urban Planning and Design at Harvard GSD.

The debate was moderated by Andres Sevtsuk, Assistant Professor of Planning and Director of City Form Lab.

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