2025 © Handcrafted with love by the Pixelgrade Team

Innovations in Everyday Urbanism

Even as vulnerability and risk challenge the urban experience of residents across Mexican cities and regions, residents continue to produce and reproduce their daily lives with enormous creativity and innovation. The MCI seeks to capture and re-imagine the expanding array of quotidian conditions, not just those that are relatively undocumented but also those that hold the greatest potential to exacerbate or protect against everyday vulnerabilities. We are particularly interested in discovering new forms of social and spatial innovation, whether in the context of work, home, recreation and leisure, connectivity, or public space. By employing a wide array of methodologies and interrogation modes, the MCI can explore the ways everyday socio-spatial practices may produce more equitable, responsive, and resilient forms of urbanism. As with the Spatial Atlas of Vulnerabilities, the aim is to document a wide array of innovations in everyday urbanism, with particular emphasis on where, how, and why they emerge in urban space.