China’s Urban Communities: Concepts, Contexts, and Well-being (2016)

Chinese urbanization is one of the important phenomena of the last decades of the twentieth century and early decades of the current one. It has enormous implications for the economy, environment, and culture. What are these urban communities in China like particularly in the large cities where high urban densities have become the norm? Drawing on work in 25 fairly ordinary neighborhoods, developed and redeveloped over the past three decades, China’s Urban Communities, by Peter Rowe, Ann Forsyth, and Har Ye Kan looks at the physical character of these areas through the lens of the well-being of their inhabitants.


  • 2017     H.Y. Kan, A. Forsyth, and P. Rowe. Redesigning China’s Superblock Neighborhoods: Policies, Opportunities, and Challenges. Journal of Urban Design 22, 6: 257-277.
  • 2016     P. Rowe, A. Forsyth, and H. Y. Kan. China’s Urban Communities: Concepts, Contexts, and Well-being. Berlin: Birkhäuser.    


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