Public Sanitation in Mumbai (2018-2020)

This project, led by Rahul Mehrotra, is examining the issue of public sanitation in Mumbai, with a special focus on community toilets in the city’s slums/informal settlements. It consists of three parts. The first part is  mapping of the larger community toilet networks and geographies within the city. This includes a study of the ‘Sulabh Shauchalaya Initiative’ (low cost and easy access to sanitation) and other private or Government funded public toilets, built in Mumbai. This is restricted to the island city of Mumbai, which is the densest portion within the Greater Metropolitan Region. The second part of the research explores the social, technical, and cultural concerns as well as challenges that surround the issue of community public toilets in Mumbai. Finally, the third part of the research defines the potential means by which a ‘prototype project’ to address these questions can be formulated and designed for implementation to address these issues of sanitation in Mumbai. The project has an underlining ambition to scale the project nationally in India.

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In 2019 an option studio explored these issues.

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