Join the Healthy Places Design Lab Student Group for the final meeting on Wed. December 1st at 6PM. Dinner will be provided. Please RSVP here: Details will be provided for those who RSVP.
Healthy Aging Speaker Series | Fall 2021 | A GPS Survey in an Aging Community in Shanghai, November 16
Healthy Aging Speaker Series | Fall 2021
A GPS Survey in an Aging Community in Shanghai
Using data to reveal the characteristics of the older people’s daily mobility and the impact of the built environment
Speaker: Yifan Yu, Professor of Urban Planning, Director of Age-friendly Community Lab, Tongji University
When: 7:30 PM EST, November 16th, Tuesday, Where: ZOOM
Link to recorded presentation.
Moderator: Ann Forsyth, Ruth and Frank Stanton Professor of Urban Planning, Harvard University
Hosted by, Healthy Places Design Lab, at the Harvard Graduate School of Design
The spatial behavior of older adults is essentially the result of interactions between the people and the environment. Different from the traditional demographic-based measurement, this research attempts to reveal the temporal-spatial behavior characteristics of the older people with an individual-based trajectory analysis. Seventy-six older residents from a typical public housing neighborhood in Shanghai were asked to carry an Android Phone and wear Fitbit health bands. By collecting and analyzing the trajectory data through 102 consecutive days, we explored their mobility pattern and activity sequence, discovered the spatial anchor points that have an important impact, and looked into the possibility of using spatial intervention to promote healthy behaviors inside and outside the neighborhood.
Dr. YU Yifan is a professor of urban planning and the director of Age-friendly Community Lab at Tongji University. She obtained her PhD from Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, in Paris, France in 2003, visited GSD at Harvard University as a senior research fellow during 2013 and 2014. She serves as an overseas research fellow at Paris Sorbonne University, as well as a member of the Planning Standardization committee of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, also serving as vice president of the Shanghai Urban Planning Association.
Healthy Aging Speaker Series | Fall 2021 Soft Wearable Robots for Augmenting and Restoring Human Performance
Speaker: Conor J. Walsh, Paul A. Maeder Professor of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University
When: NOON (12 PM EST), November 4th, Thursday, Where: ZOOM
Click here or scan the QR code to register and receive the zoom link.
Moderator: Ann Forsyth, Ruth and Frank Stanton Professor of Urban Planning, Harvard University
This talk will give an overview of our work on developing disruptive soft wearable robot technologies for augmenting and restoring human performance and how we characterize their performance through biomechanical and physiological studies so as to further the scientific understanding of how humans interact with such machines. Our efforts are the result a multidisciplinary team of students and research staff with backgrounds in engineering, materials science, apparel design, industrial design, biomechanics, and physical therapy, in addition to valuable collaborations with colleagues from Harvard, Boston University, and beyond. Our long term vision is for ubiquitous soft wearable robots that can be worn all day, every day, in the community, home, sporting and workplace environments.
About the speaker: