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Monthly Archives: April 2024

Event: Delving into Mexican Cities Complexities: A Conversation with Diane Davis

Mexican cities face enormous urban challenges. From acute water shortages to housing crises and the surge in violence, these demand immediate attention. Join the Harvard University Mexican Association of Students (HUMAS) for the final edition of Exploring Mexico Across Harvard this academic year, for an impactful conversation with Dr. Diane Davis, Director of the Mexican Cities Initiative at the GSD, and Faculty Chair of the Committee on Mexico at the Harvard David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies. Together, we’ll explore these issues through the lens of equity in governance, informality, violence, and globalization within the urban realm. Save the […]

Conference: Mexico + H2O = Challenges, Reckonings, and Opportunities

Last year, “Mexico + H2O: Challenges, Reckonings, and Opportunities” brought together policy makers, scholars, and activists to discuss how lack and abundance of water, contaminated and privatized as well as communal, has altered both Mexican cities and rural areas. In many ways, water is synonymous with Mexican identity — the rise of Tenochtitlan was possible because of the control of water and the Mexican Revolution was as much a battle for land as it was for access to the resource that would water post-revolutionary lands. More recently battles over water on the U.S. – Mexico border are potential previews of […]

Concealed Public Transportation in Latin America: A Rediscovery by Bus

Juan Fernández González is a Master of Architecture Candidate at the Harvard Graduate School of Design and an Architectural Sketching Course Lecturer at McGill University. He grew up in Cuernavaca (Mexico) and Montreal (Canada). In his article for ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America, Juan reflects on his research on colectivos, privately-owned public transportation, as forms of concealed city infrastructure. He shares how his research began in Mexico City as a 2022 MCI Summer Research, and later evolved into a comparative investigation of colectivos in Buenos Aires and Santiago. He is currently working on a publication that draws lessons from Buenos Aires and Santiago […]