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ReVista Launches Magazine Issue on Transportation

Transportation │ Fall 2021 │ Volume XXI, Number 1


On December 7, 2021, DRCLAS’ ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America launched its Fall 2021 magazine issue on transportation. The publication can be accessed here.

Dr. Diane Davis moderated the event’s opening conversation between the magazine’s authors. The issue features several pieces on transportation in Mexico written by scholars and practitioners that collaborate with the Mexican Cities Initiative. It includes, among others, articles from:

Roberto Aguerrebere, former Managing Director, Mexican Transportation Institute; 
Carolyn Angius, Urban planner based in Los Angeles, California and GSD Graduate;
Bernardo Baranda Sepúlveda, Professor, Master Program in Urbanism, UNAM (Mexico City);
Agustín Bustos, Senior researcher at the Mexican Transportation Institute;
Diane E. Davis, Charles Dyer Norton Professor of Regional Planning and Urbanism in the Department of Urban Planning and Design at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design
Aron Lesser, Graduate student of Urban Planning and the Mexican Cities Initiative research affiliate, Harvard’s Graduate School of Design